Checklist » Amaryllidaceae » Allium vineale
Last updated 4/5/2021 by David Giblin.
Allium vineale L.[FNA26, HC, HC2]
wild chives, crow garlic, wild garlic

Publication: Sp. Pl. 1: 299. 1753.

Origin: Introduced from Europe

selected vouchers: WTU

Notes: FNA26: "It is a noxious weed, apparently introduced from Europe in colonial times. The small, wheat-sized bulbils frequently contaminated wheat grown in infested areas. Bread made from such wheat was garlic-flavored, and cows grazing in infested pastures produce garlic-flavored milk."

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Allium vineale L. ssp. vineale[KZ99]